Sunday, April 21, 2019

An Opportunity for Advocacy in New York State

The New York Father's Rights Movement is one of the strongest chapters in the nation for Fatherhood Rights. New York State(like many states) has a compliacted family court system that can be frustrating to fathers. The influence of money and attorneys often leads to co-parenting being challenged and ultimately becomes more about the parents than the children.

Legislation is the key to correcting the courts. Please, and I say please share this event with all of your friends. This is hugely important. Lobbying is key to legislative change, especially in New York. The greater the turnout, the more the legislators pay attention.

How can you support this event. Go to the facebook page and lend your financial support:

Most importantly, attendance is important. Share on the Fatherhood Rights Facebook page your ideas and suggestions. Offer ride shares in your area. Reach out to local legislators. BE AN ADVOCATE. This is not something that can be solved on social media. You have to get in the game, and commit to going to Albany. Be a part of the change. Get to Albany NY and be an advocate for all fathers and their children.