Friday, April 29, 2016

Why Dads Should Not Worry About Titles

Our society feels that titles are important. For most dads, titles are important. You can have all sorts of titles. They can be vocational, professional, religious, or credentialed. However for dads that are raising a child, only one title matters. "Dad."

Prioritizing this title can be very difficult. Your ego might get in the way. Sometimes money is also an issue. No matter what the reason, dads need to put their children first.

The reality is that the title of "Dad" can delay a promotion. Educational goals while important will also take a back seat to your children.

Dads can have goals and with careful planning achieve them. You have to work with your child's mom when it comes to goal planning. While it may be difficult to achieve, ultimately working together allows both parties to complete their goals. This requires careful thought and negotiations that can take some time.

Divorce complicates the quest for new titles. When a divorce happens during early childhood, there is a greater need for children to have their parents. As a child grows and becomes more independent, you can implement a plan for yourself. Until then, you are a 24/7 dad. Your child will remember from their earliest stages of development he level of commitment you had for them.

The bottom line, you have one title that matters. "Dad." All others are inferior and will have to wait.

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