Monday, August 8, 2016

The Problem With Most 50/50 Websites

I checked into blogs and websites that advocate or argue against co-parenting and many have the common denominator that it all boils down to money. Check out this website as an example:

While well intentioned, it still sees one parent as the paycheck. To be fair, other websites do the same. Parenting is about attachment and bonding, not money. For a child to be deprived of a loving relationship with either parent is problematic.

Another pattern is the idea that a child's adaptation to 2 homes should be an issue. There is a subtle meaning to this discussion. This is code for mom gets to be the primary residence and dad get's to be the visitor. Why are so many adults telling us that the absence of a father is detrimental, yet many 50/50 websites provide support for primary residences? The fact is that children are resilient, and the parents are the ones experiencing the emotional trauma and transferring it to their children.

Be careful with websites that pretend to advocate 50/50 rights. The best practice for a child is for them to have equal parenting in their life when both parents work towards an equal parenting partnership. Dads are not visitors in a child's life, they are a parent in a child's life.

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